Maclntyre, Ewan.
Nutshells : commercial law. - 1st ed. - Netherlands : Sweet & Maxwell, 2006. - 154 p. : 21 cm.
1. Definitions within the Sale of Goods Act 1979
2. Statutory Implied Terms
3. The Transfer of Property: Risk, Mistake and Frustration
4. Transfer of Ownership by a Person who is not the Owner
5. Duties of the Seller and the Buyer
6. Remedies
7. International Sales
8. The Authority of the Agent
9. Rights and Liabilities of the Parties
10. Termination of Agency
11. Examination Checklist
12. Sample Examination Questions and Model Answers
Commercial Law
346.42 MAC-2006
Nutshells : commercial law. - 1st ed. - Netherlands : Sweet & Maxwell, 2006. - 154 p. : 21 cm.
1. Definitions within the Sale of Goods Act 1979
2. Statutory Implied Terms
3. The Transfer of Property: Risk, Mistake and Frustration
4. Transfer of Ownership by a Person who is not the Owner
5. Duties of the Seller and the Buyer
6. Remedies
7. International Sales
8. The Authority of the Agent
9. Rights and Liabilities of the Parties
10. Termination of Agency
11. Examination Checklist
12. Sample Examination Questions and Model Answers
Commercial Law
346.42 MAC-2006