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សេវាសាធារណ:ថ្នាក់មូលដ្ឋានប្រសិទ្ធភាពសេវា និងកម្រៃក្រៅផ្លូវការ

By: Sieng Deline | Clean.
Contributor(s): Frommer, Jessica | Sok Hach.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Economic Institute of Cambodia (EIC) 2006Description: 57 p.Subject(s): CleanDDC classification: 352.19 2006 Summary: Reasons for Unofficial Fees are means: the case study example the primary reason for unofficial fees is the basic needs of public service official. The unofficial payments thus provide important additional amounts to the current staff salaries, especially for the commune official and primary school teacher in urban areas.
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សៀវភៅ ខ្មែរ សៀវភៅ ខ្មែរ បណ្ណាល័យនីតិសាស្ត្រ
352.19 2006 (Browse shelf) Available

The Local Public Services: Performance and Unofficial Fees project is sponsored by DANIDA and Pact Cambodia, and implemented by the Economic Institute of Cambodia (EIC).

Reasons for Unofficial Fees are means: the case study example the primary reason for unofficial fees is the basic needs of public service official. The unofficial payments thus provide important additional amounts to the current staff salaries, especially for the commune official and primary school teacher in urban areas.

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