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The business and human rights landscape : moving forward, looking back /

Contributor(s): Martin, Jena | Bravo, Karen E.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookDescription: xxi, 600 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.ISBN: 9781107095526; 1107095522; 9781107479371; 1107479371.Subject(s): Industries | Human rights | Business enterprises | Social responsibility of business | Business enterprises | Human rights | Industries | Social responsibility of businessDDC classification: 323 MAR 2016 Summary: "The adoption of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in 2011 marked a watershed moment, establishing the first global standards for preventing human rights abuses by business. In light of this paradigm shift, The Business and Human Rights Landscape offers the most comprehensive analysis to date of the current legal framework. Its essential research tools include in-depth explorations of the UN Guiding Principles from both theoretical and practical standpoints, with case studies of the Rana Plaza building collapse and Kenyan resource extraction. Bookending current analyses are accounts of business and human rights from a historical perspective (discussing the colonial slave trade) and using a forward-looking lens (analyzing labor's role). Bringing together scholars from across the globe, this book represents essential reading for anyone interested in the past, present, or future of business and human rights"--
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323 MAR 2016 (Browse shelf) Available

1. The Enterprise of Empire Evolving Understanding of Corporate Identity and Responsibility
2. The Arb League Boycott of Israel Warring Histories International Trade and Human Rights
3. Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives and the Evolution of the Business and Hunan Rights Discourse Lessons from the Kimberley Process and Conflict Diamonds
4. Business and Hunan Rights after Ruggie's Mandate Feasible Next Steps
5. Business Respect and Human Rights
6. Global Need Rethinking Business Norms
7. Corporate Accountability of Human Rights From a Top-Down to a Bottom-Up Approach
8. Living in a Material World -From Naming and Shaming to Knowing and Showing Will New Disclosure Regimes Finally Drive Corporate Accountability for Hunan Rights?
9. Democratizing the Global Business and Hunan Rights Project by Catalyzing Strategic Litigation from the Bottom Up
10. The Impact of the Ruggie Framework' and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Hunan Rights' on Transnational Hunan Rights Litigation
11. The Third Pillar Remedies Reparations, and the Ruggie Principles
12. The Evolving Business and Society Landscape Can Hunan Rights Make a Difference?
13. From Principles to Practice Implementing Corporate Responsibility for Hunan Rights
14. Business Hunan Rights and Due Diligence An Approach for Contractual Integration
15. Corporate Codes of Conduct and Working Conditions in the Global Supply Chain Accountability through Transparency in Private Ordering
16. Transnational Businesses the Rights to Safe Working Conditions and the Rana Plaza Building Collapse Toward a Tort-Based Solution to the Global Race to the Bottom
17. The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Hunan Rights in the European Union From Regional Action to National Implementation
18. China's Corporate Social Responsibility with National Characteristics Coherence and Dissonance with the Global Business and Hunan Rights Project
19. Avoiding the Resource Curse Applying the Guiding Principles in Kenya
20.Busiess and Hunan Rights A Call for Labour Liberalization

"The adoption of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in 2011 marked a watershed moment, establishing the first global standards for preventing human rights abuses by business. In light of this paradigm shift, The Business and Human Rights Landscape offers the most comprehensive analysis to date of the current legal framework. Its essential research tools include in-depth explorations of the UN Guiding Principles from both theoretical and practical standpoints, with case studies of the Rana Plaza building collapse and Kenyan resource extraction. Bookending current analyses are accounts of business and human rights from a historical perspective (discussing the colonial slave trade) and using a forward-looking lens (analyzing labor's role). Bringing together scholars from across the globe, this book represents essential reading for anyone interested in the past, present, or future of business and human rights"--

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