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Governing international labour migration : current issues, challenges and dilemmas.

Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2008Description: xvi, 251 p. : 23 cm.ISBN: 9780415599603.Subject(s): Labor and Human RightsDDC classification: 331.62 GOV 2008 Summary: This book offers a critical examination of the way in which the nature and governance of international labour migration is changing within a globalizing environment. It examines how labour mobility and the governance of labour migration are changing by exploring the links between political economy and differentiated forms of labour migration. Additionally, it considers the effects of new social models of inclusion and exclusion on labour migration. Therefore, the book troubles the conventional dichotomies and categorizations – permanent vs. temporary; skilled vs. unskilled; legal vs. illegal -- that have informed migration studies and regulatory frameworks. Theoretically, this volume contributes to an ongoing project of reframing the study of migration within politics and international relations. Bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, drawing on examples from the European Union, North America and Asia, Governing International Labour Migration will be of interest to students and scholars of migration studies, IPE, international relations, and economics.
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សៀវភៅ​អង់គ្លេស សៀវភៅ​អង់គ្លេស CSHL Library
331.62 GOV 2008 (Browse shelf) Available

Regulating labour migration
1. Managing migration and citizenship in Europe towards an overarching framework
2. Governing labour migration in the era of GATS the growing influence of
3. Anti-illegal immigration policy the case of the European Union
4. Why international banks became interested in migrant remittances a critical reflection on globalization ideology and international migration
Constructing categories of migrant labor
5. Governing the mobility of skills
6. Revisiting the permanent-temporary labour migration dichotomy
7. A healthy trade? NAFTA labour mobility and Canadian nurses
8. At the heart of migration management immigration and labour markets in the European Union
Regional dynamics
9. The US-Mexico migration honeymoon of 2001 a retrospective
10. Migration by the poor and economic globalization transnational migratory flows in Southern Europe
11. Governance of economic migration and transnationalization of rights

This book offers a critical examination of the way in which the nature and governance of international labour migration is changing within a globalizing environment.

It examines how labour mobility and the governance of labour migration are changing by exploring the links between political economy and differentiated forms of labour migration. Additionally, it considers the effects of new social models of inclusion and exclusion on labour migration. Therefore, the book troubles the conventional dichotomies and categorizations – permanent vs. temporary; skilled vs. unskilled; legal vs. illegal -- that have informed migration studies and regulatory frameworks. Theoretically, this volume contributes to an ongoing project of reframing the study of migration within politics and international relations.

Bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, drawing on examples from the European Union, North America and Asia, Governing International Labour Migration will be of interest to students and scholars of migration studies, IPE, international relations, and economics.

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