1. Introduction
Part I. The Formation of Scope of a Contract
2 . Agreement: Clearing the Ground
3. Offer and Acceptance
4. Certainty and Agreement Mistakes
5. Consideration and Form
6. Intention to Create Legal Relations
7. Third Party Rights
Part II The Content of Contract
8. What is a Term
9. The Source of Contractual Terms
10. The Classification of Contractual Terms
11. Exclusion Clauses
Part III. Policing the Contract
12. A Duty to Disclose Material Facts
13. Misrepresentation
14. Common Mistake and Frustration
15. Illegality
16. Capacity
17. Duress, Undue Influence, and Inequality of Bargaining Power
Part IV. Performance, Discharge and Remedies for Breach of Contract
18. Performance and Discharge of the Contract
19 Breach of Contract
20. Damages for Breach of Contract
21. Obtaining and Adequate Remedy
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