Cambodia Yearbook Comparative Legal Studies Cambodia Society of Combative Law - Special Edition on Human Right - Phnom Penh, Cambodia, RWI 2015 - 139p., Bibliography 24.5cm

-Human Rights Education in Cambodia : an analysis of public primary and secondary school's textbook on social studies and civic education since 2009 (Phun Vidjia).
-Citizens and stakeholder's participation rights in the law marketing process in Cambodia (Sangbonn Soth).
-Women's Participant in Politics in Cambodia(Khurn chantevy).
-Judicial Independence in Cambodia: an overview analysis(Soy Kimsan).
-Restriction on Freedom of Experience in Social Media Networks within Cambodia (Hem Sambath).
-Right to Strike Versus legitimate use of force to restore the public order in Cambodia(Deluxe Sao).
-The Role of International Labor Organization Convention 189 in Strengthening Cambodia's negotiating position with Malaysia when finalizing the memorandum of understanding concerning the protection of Cambodian migrant domestic workers(Ly Ratana).

Labor disputes -- Cambodia. Dispute resolution (Law) -- Cambodia.
Cambodian Administrative Law

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