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Textbook on torts /

By: Jones, Michael A.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York : Oxford University Press, 2002Edition: 8th ed.Description: lv, 727 p. : 22 cm.ISBN: 9780199255337.Subject(s): Tort LawDDC classification: 346.42 JON 2002 Summary: The content of the work has been revised and updated for the eighth edition, mapping on to current tort courses with particular emphasis on the tort of negligence and related areas. New to this edition is comprehensive coverage of decisions of the House of Lords
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346.42 JON 2002 (Browse shelf) Available

1. Perspectives
2. Negligence I: duty of care
3. Negligence II: breach of duty
4. Negligence III: causation and remoteness of damage
5. Negligence IV: employers' liability
6. Negligence V: dangerous premises
7. Nuisance
8. Strict liability
9. Breach of statutory duty
10. Defective products
11. Trespass to land
12. Trespass to the person
13. Defamation
14. Defences and limitation
15. Remedies and death

The content of the work has been revised and updated for the eighth edition, mapping on to current tort courses with particular emphasis on the tort of negligence and related areas. New to this edition is comprehensive coverage of decisions of the House of Lords

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