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The law of contract /

By: Koffman, Laurence.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Great Britain ; Tolley Publishing Company Limited : 1995Edition: 2nd ed.Description: xxxvii, 527 p. : 23 cm.ISBN: 0854599991.Subject(s): Private international lawDDC classification: 346.42 KOF 1995 Summary: Provides a concise and complete account of the law in clear and non-technical terms. Thoroughly revised and updated, this third edition includes all recent changes in the law and the latest case studies.
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សៀវភៅ​អង់គ្លេស សៀវភៅ​អង់គ្លេស CSHL Library
346.42 KOF 1995 (Browse shelf) Available

Introduction to the study of contract law; formation of the contract; certainty and completeness; consideration; promissory estoppel; intention to create legal relations; express and implied terms; contingencies, classification of terms and entire contracts; exemption clauses; exemption clauses and the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977; the European Community directive on unfair terms in consumer contracts and the 1994 regulations; mistake; misrepresentation; duress and undue influence; illegality; unconscionability and unfairness; capacity; privity of contract; performance and breach; the doctrine of frustration; remedies; an outline of the law of restitution; agency.

Provides a concise and complete account of the law in clear and non-technical terms. Thoroughly revised and updated, this third edition includes all recent changes in the law and the latest case studies.

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